Celebrate RyeDay the 13th on March 13 with Sagamore Spirit

By Chilled Magazine

The folks at Sagamore Spirit took the fear out of Friday the 13th, changing the day officially to RyeDay the 13th, in celebration of one of America’s most beloved spirits, rye.

Fearless whiskey fans enjoy RyeDay the 13th thanks to the historic Maryland distillery supporting rye whiskey’s resurgence among the bartending community and beyond.

For Sagamore Spirit, #RyeDay the13th had been hailed ever since the launch of its Signature Straight Rye Whiskey back on Friday, May 13th, 2016. Each RyeDay calls for bars and restaurants nationwide to rejoice over the spirit that kickstarted American whiskey’s story centuries ago. There’s no better time to share and embrace the passionate history of rye whiskey.

RyeDay 13th at NIcks

RyeDay 13th at NIcks

RyeDay was most recently celebrated on September 13th in New York, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Chicago. The next big day arrives on the 13th of March, 2020. With every celebration, Sagamore Spirit ambitiously works to get one step closer to an era where RyeDay is a national holiday.

Celebrate RyeDay March 13th

Celebrate RyeDay March 13th

Well-deserving of its own day, rye’s claim to fame was attained by shining in classic concoctions such as The Manhattan or Sazerac. So, every RyeDay, the approachability and versatility of the spirit are applauded by encouraging bars and restaurants all over the country to show off their skills and styles of mixing with rye by offering signature rye cocktails.

Bartenders use their creative platforms to celebrate RyeDay the 13th with unique cocktails that can move rye from a small solo sip on the couch to exciting social circles during nights out.

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