Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus.

Spiked Tea

A love of tea is pretty much universal, not just in Britain, but Ireland too. Moreover, mid-March is still a pretty chilly time of year for most people, so bar manager Hilary Mathiau of Sturbridge Brewery in Sturbridge, Massachusetts has built on hot chai for her St. Paddy’s cocktail. “It’s a perfect soothing, relaxing drink on a cold winter evening,” says Hilary.

Spiked Vanilla Chai

Spiked Vanilla Chai

Spiked Vanilla Chai


• 1 1/2 oz. Irish Whisky

• 1 oz.  Bailey’s

• 1/2 oz. Crème De Cocoa

• Warmed vanilla chai tea

• Ground cinnamon

• Cinnamon stick

• Anise

Preparation: Build in the glass, top with whipped cream, and garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon, cinnamon stick, and anise.